Thursday, April 26, 2012

MUSIC NIGHT (and lemon cake to boot)

I just had to post because I found another Black Lips song that is marvelous. Simply put, this post is basically a playlist for you fine folks/fuckers to listen to.

Oh, as far as life: it's all good right now. I'm spending two off days doing whatever and relaxing. Ate the hell out of some lemon cake with lemon frosting earlier. It was yummy.

Now, the tunes:

Here's one of my all-time favorite songs, City of Angels by the Distillers. Love it!

My recent favorite Black Lips song, Body Combat.

And now, the finale:

Bone Marrow by the Black Lips (huzzaaaaaaaaaaaaah!)

Comment below and tell me what you think of my favorite band, the Black Lips. :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I got my job back. I had a post on here about loosing my job (I quit. It was my fault on the whole loosing my job end...)


All is right with the world. Have a listen to this badass shit, biznatches. (lol...)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Have you caught the Fever yet?

I first heard of Dengue Fever many years ago on a late-night tv show about music that I watched religiously. That show is where I heard of several bands and musicians including four that I really enjoy: Dengue Fever, Cobra Starship, M.I.A and The Duke Spirit.

Of course, M.I.A is one of my all-time favorite musicians. Mathangi Arulpragasm (or Maya as she likes to be called) is a lyric goddess and is the only music considered by many to be 'rap' that I actually enjoy.

Dengue Fever, the subject of this post, is a band from California with a Cambodian lead singer named Chhom Nimol. She is AMAZING. (Keep in mind when listening to these guys that they also have a guy who sings lead sometimes. He's good, but Chhom is better.) (Chhom in  Khmer language) (amazing song by them. One of my faves.) (he sings here.)

The purpose of this post it to spread the word about Dengue Fever. Love them.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Are you an April Fool?

I forgot all about the first of this month being April Fool's Day until my coworker got a phone call from one of her three sons claiming that her eldest son had fallen down some stairs and broken his arm or something like that...? She said "bring him down here", knowing that the boys were pranking her.

I had totally forgotten about the day...

On another note, can you believe how fast this year is going? It's already April... I'll have been at my job a year and one month this month. That seems like an awfully long time to me.

I'm ready for May to get here because it holds some surprises for me but I am also sad to see 2012 fly by in such a hurry! It's sad on one hand but on the other, I may be going to school in the spring of 2013. *^_^*

I have decided to go back to school for video game design and the like. I think it will be a challenging course but I would have fun doing the work, creating characters and the like (seeing as how I loveee making up characters.)

I believe with all of my heart that I have picked a career path that best suits me. From a young age, I've been interested in creative fields. I wanted to be a toy maker in kindergarten, an astronaut (not so much on the creative side), a film director, a writer and many other things but I think I have chosen perfectly. (Nothing is set in stone just yet, just in case...but I really have no doubts.)


I have this former friend who is so selfish. Here's some examples of what she's done.

1. comes over and eats whatever

2. charged me for three people's worth of food from a restaraunt when she was only supposed to charge me for 2...

3. taken an entire pack of toothbrushes that she thought I bought for her when I only got them for her to take one out of the package!

There's more that's not in the same category as the above stuff.

1. No matter when it is, if she's off of work, she has a damn beer in her hand....

2. she's flip-floppy with her personality

3. she's easy to offend but does not give a shit about others' feelings

4. she's so annoying

I have ahad to rant about all of this for a while now but I have not had any ideas as to where to put it. As far as her selfish points that I brough up go, yes, I could have said something but see section 2 point 3. I am tired of people like that! I don't want anything to do with people like this any more! EVER again!!!! I am done with the bullshit!

Maybe everyone who is like this will read the above statements and never meet me or befriend me. :)

Winter was really non-existant and "starships were meant to fly!!!!"

Today was dreadfully hot and it makes me worry about what summer's gonna be like this year. We had practically NO winter whatsoever. Ticks, mosquitoes, the heat... everything's going to be raging an all-out war on us this summer. :(

It makes me sad.

Some good news: I am off from work for two days in a row! Woot! I bet you that these days won't end up as anything productive. In fact, I'm willing to bet that I won't get anything done!

Bet me. You know you want to!

Have a listen to my favorite song of the moment:

It's Nicki Minaj's Starships. I never thought I'd like a song by her until I heard this. It is marvelous!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


If you keep up with the news, I'm sure you've heard of the 23 year old Muslim man that killed four Jewish people, including 3 children, and some soldiers in France. Oh yeah, he video taped the murders, too.

8 year old Miriam Monsonego: He chased her through a shool and grabbed her by the hair. He tried to shoot her in the temple but his gun jammed, so he switched to a .45 and shot her point blank in the temple.

Look up the rest of the victims and tell me why religion kills children. Why do people do things like this in the name of their religion? (This guy's reasons were: honor of Islam, revenge on France for taking part in the Afghanistan war and revenge for dead Pakistani children.)

Monday, March 12, 2012


I feel weird inside.

Things in my life need to change. I need a change of scenery and I need it quickly. It's pretty bad that I have this thing where I don't stay put long. It's unfortunate. I move to one place and then, without hesitation, I leave it.

Until now.

I'm in a SMALL town and this August(ish) will be my four year mark. Something is off with this. Something is keeping me here and I don't want to be here. Does that make sense? I am thinking of many different ways that I could just leave but all of them require money and that's just something that I don't have a lot of at this time. Ya know, Florida is really calling me for some reason.

Maybe I'll be seeing some ocean soon. Who knows?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

One Year

Yesterday, 3-1-12 was my one year anniversary working for the company that I work for. It's been a year full of many different emotions and lots of experiences. I've made good connections with a few of my co-workers and I can actually say that I've been with a company for a year now... lol...


Here's to mroe time there. :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Few Thoughts

1. Playboy and Virgin Galactic are making plans for a gentleman's club in space. Weird but if it gets us up there quicker, I'm all for it. There are conceptual art pictures for a restaraunt and a dance area on Go there and check it out.

2. I recently read that a sixteen year old killed his mother over a Playstation. Isn't that so stupid?! He hit her with a claw hammer while she was sleeping and that didn't kill her, so he tried to burn her in the oven. Messed up world we live in. And that kid is so fucked up.

3. Anorexia and boys. How did this go without some sort of attention for as long as it did? When I was in high school, my doctor told me that I was anorexic. I starved myself and walked for hours on end and I still thought I was fat....

4. Whitney Houston was buried in gold shoes? Like real gold? Can anyone confirm this? It's on the cover of a magazine we sell at work and I'd like to see these gold shoes... lol.

5. I am addicted to a new game series for the PS3. I'll divulge more on this topic in May when the final game in the PS3 trilogy is released. :) HURRY UP MAY!

6. Arizona southern style sweet tea in the 23 ounce can is good. I miss Milo's tea but things change. :( If you drink the Arizona brand, do NOT get the amber bottle of it. It does NOT taste as good as it does in the can. Don't ask me why because I have no clue.

7. Tennessee weather is strange. It's February but shorts are a total possibility for outdoor wear today.... Hmmm...

8. Even numbers are better than odd ones. There really isn't an eighth point but I thought I'd add one instead of leaving this piost at 7 points.... lol.

Have a listen to the following! :D

Chasing Ghosts by Drive Like Red

My Heart is Broken by Evanescence (One of my top musical loves)

Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey (LOVE her.) 

Cottonmouth by Sam Sparro (ADORE him!)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Travel Channel

I have to rant about this online in hopes that some higher up at the Travel Channel HQ will see this and do something about it.

I love the travel channel........when they're showing travel shows only.

Why all of this Man vs Food and ghost hunting crap?!!?!

Look, TC, Samantha Brown, Tony Bourdain, Andrew Zimmern, Marcus Sakey and even Bridget Marquardt are WAY better than the ghost crap and almost all of those I listed are better than Man vs Food. Maybe if Man vs Food guy were to travel around the WORLD and eat, then I could see the show being on your network.

Food is important but TRAVEL doesn't make me think of food first and your line-up is kind of making it. (Minus the ghost junk on this note. It just doesn't even belong on your channel. Give that crap to the SCI FI channel. Let them have it and cancel it. Or NBC.)

Here are some important notes for ya, TC.

1. Samantha Brown is your best commodity. RUN HER SHOWS INTO THE GROUND!!!! Make her go everywhere! Samantha Brown's Asia was amazing. Make her do other stuff like that!

2. When it comes to food, Tony Bourdain has the PERFECT mix of it and travel. He's even got some points OVER Zimmern! (Andrew's an eater. Tony, though a food guy, shows so much culture and history before, during and while pigging out!)

3. Let me win one of your travel contests! (This one is more of a joke but I seriously entered almost all of your contests back in the day and I stopped because like with the lottery, it really is a slim chance.... :(

4. Even thought I used her name, Bridget Marquardt doesn't need a show on your channel UNLESS you are bringing her back to replace the ghost crap. She's obviously way sluttier than you want your channel portrayed to be.

5. Here's some ideas for shows for your network. Use them. Don't credit me. I don't care.
   1. Have more Samantha Brown shows.
   2. Have more Tony Bourdain shows but more Samantha than Tony.
   3. Cancel everything with the word GHOST in the title unless it's some sort of psychic traveling and telling you about 'ghosts' while showing you a place....instead of hunting ghosts...
   4. Look at number 3. Have a show where the hosts travels and shares mythological information. There's plenty of that crap in the  world.
   5. Have a series dedicated to Native peoples. Maybe.
   6. INUIT stuff is nifty. Show more of that.
   7. I saw some show you guys had with a dark haired woman on a boat and I tried to remember her name but I cannot. She went crab fishing if that helps. Well, that woman needs her own hour long program! Give it to her!!!!
   8. Do a series of shows for select places, like Tony Bourdain in Russia for a Month or something like that. Have them live there for a bit and let us see it! That is such an interesting idea!!!! GO FOR THAT! Have brown haird chick from number 7 do a place, Tony in another and Sam in another!!!

Now, TC, you've got some thinking to do. Hope the outcome is marvelous. :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Be a Good Baby, Do What I Want.

We were born to die.

I love Lana Del Rey (real name is Elizabeth Grant....) but she's taking a lot of heat due to her odd SNL performance. She is nervous on stage, you hate mongers.... Gawd.

Listen to her and love her. (my old man is a bad man but I can't deny the way he holds my hand!)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

my cait sith just cast this bullshit all over my blog.

I have the next two days off from work and I find that to be so good. This week hasn't really been full of work hours but at the same time, I can't wait until tomorrow and what's more, we get paid on Friday!

I think that I will work on my script tomorrow and maybe even on Friday. I've been doing so much on it lately and it is really coming along. I've stopped adding new characters and finally decided on a set of 10, though some of them don't make it to the end.

AHHHHHH! I played a demo of Final Fantasy XIII-2 today and it was pretty good. As everyone who knows me knows, I'm not the biggest fan of that series but I have played plenty of them... lol. There were lots of things in the demo to XIII-2 that I loved, such as the ability to have monsters as party members. (I had an adorable Cait Sith (a cat in a pod-like floating thing) on the demo. It was a healer and it was CUTE!!! When it did stuff in battle, it made cute meowing noises... It was cute. :3

I had something else to say but I totally forgot what it was...

Oh, as a sidenote, I want to go and see that new Sandra Bullock movie where Tom Hanks is her husband and he dies in 911 or something like that. It looks like it would rip my eyes out and replace them with Niagra Falls but I won't know that for sure until I see the movie.......

OH! I remember what I wanted to write about! I plan on going to school online later on this year since I will turn 25 and my parents' incomes won't be counted towards grants  and stuff but my problem is: I don't know what I want to go for. I've thought about writing, teaching, journalism, game design, fashion design and others but I just don't know. It's a hard decision to make.... :(

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year and Shitty Laws

Happy New Year readers of mine that don't exist.

Guess what?

The state I live in wants to pass a law that makes it legal for kids with a religious or political viewpoint that clashes with homosexuality to voice whatever they want to on the matter as long as it isn't violent.

This is ridiculous. If they pass this bill, someone is going to get into trouble or much, much worse. This news comes only a few months after a young man a few counties over killed himself after being bullied in school over his sexuality. It's a real messed up thing.

I admittedly read a lot of the comments that people leave on Yahoo posts and I have seen a lot of people say that they don't care about sexuality but they hate when it is brought up or thrown into people's faces. I, for one, have noticed that it isn't gays bringing up the issue again and again, it's politicians.

Another point I have on this whole situation is the fact that sexuality should not be a political ploy. So many people that I know, family included, try to sway my opinions with statements based on sexuality and the way politicians are doing things (or not doing things) involved in the matter.

I just wish that it was a subject that couldn't be bothered by political turmoil and religious mettling. I also think that religion should stay out of politics but it totally doesn't where I live. Last time there was some kind of election for governor or whatever, churches were pushing candidates' names onto their congregations. Just today, some woman on tv was asked about one of the Republican candidates' religious affiliations, him being Mormon and her being Baptist, and she said she would NOT vote for him because he was a Mormon and she didn't agree with that..... So dumb.

No offense to religion or anything but I read somewhere about a world without religion and all of the things that would be different if there wasn't a such thing... Just some food for thought. (I have nothing against religions or practicioners of a religion, unless they bother me first...)