Monday, April 2, 2012

Are you an April Fool?

I forgot all about the first of this month being April Fool's Day until my coworker got a phone call from one of her three sons claiming that her eldest son had fallen down some stairs and broken his arm or something like that...? She said "bring him down here", knowing that the boys were pranking her.

I had totally forgotten about the day...

On another note, can you believe how fast this year is going? It's already April... I'll have been at my job a year and one month this month. That seems like an awfully long time to me.

I'm ready for May to get here because it holds some surprises for me but I am also sad to see 2012 fly by in such a hurry! It's sad on one hand but on the other, I may be going to school in the spring of 2013. *^_^*

I have decided to go back to school for video game design and the like. I think it will be a challenging course but I would have fun doing the work, creating characters and the like (seeing as how I loveee making up characters.)

I believe with all of my heart that I have picked a career path that best suits me. From a young age, I've been interested in creative fields. I wanted to be a toy maker in kindergarten, an astronaut (not so much on the creative side), a film director, a writer and many other things but I think I have chosen perfectly. (Nothing is set in stone just yet, just in case...but I really have no doubts.)


I have this former friend who is so selfish. Here's some examples of what she's done.

1. comes over and eats whatever

2. charged me for three people's worth of food from a restaraunt when she was only supposed to charge me for 2...

3. taken an entire pack of toothbrushes that she thought I bought for her when I only got them for her to take one out of the package!

There's more that's not in the same category as the above stuff.

1. No matter when it is, if she's off of work, she has a damn beer in her hand....

2. she's flip-floppy with her personality

3. she's easy to offend but does not give a shit about others' feelings

4. she's so annoying

I have ahad to rant about all of this for a while now but I have not had any ideas as to where to put it. As far as her selfish points that I brough up go, yes, I could have said something but see section 2 point 3. I am tired of people like that! I don't want anything to do with people like this any more! EVER again!!!! I am done with the bullshit!

Maybe everyone who is like this will read the above statements and never meet me or befriend me. :)

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