Monday, October 31, 2011

What made me start to like Kate Hudson...

Everyone knows of Goldie Hawn but some people do not know that the blonde actress known as Kate Hudson is Goldie's daughter.

When I first heard this, I was shocked. It was a few years ago and I thought that Kate couldn't act her way out of a paper bag filled with dog poop, lit on fire and placed on someone's doorstep but now, my opinions of Kate have drastically changed.

You see, this movie called Nine came out a while back and I REALLY wanted to see it. I finally saw it about a month or so ago and I loved it. Kate Hudson was in it and even though she wasn't a major character, she had some good parts and guess what. She sang.

Kate belts out awesomness here:

Go listen and tell me what you think of her. ;3 She'll rock your world.

Happy Halloween

Today is my favorite holiday...................HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone has a safe and fantastic Halloween. Don't get too fat or sick on candy and for the sake of everyone's sanity, DON'T ROLL PEOPLE'S HOUSES.

Have fun.

Eat Reese's and think of me. I adore them.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

10-29-2011 and Slippery Ice

Here's a reference.

Above is a link to a former post where I was bitching about the weather and guess what. The Earth delivered. Today is like 60 degrees outside with sunshine and a cool, autumn breeze. I've been looking forward to this.

*                                                             *                                                               *   

Well, I had to be at work early today but that leaves me with the rest of the day to do whatever I want to do! I think I might just relax because my leg hurts. (I slipped on ice this morning headed out for work and I fell... After slipping into an undignified heap on the porch, I fell to the ground but at least I landed on my feet...) I also might play some Shadow Hearts today. Who knows?

See, what did I tell you readers during the Welcome bit? There's nothing special here. You may laugh at times (like when I slip on porch ice) but that's the only thing that will entertain you. I promise.

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Annoyance that is...

...Taylor Swift.

She gets on my last nerve. She's so fake and she's becoming so commercial. Why aren't country singing females such as Loretta Lynn, Reba McEntire and Dolly Parton doing stuff anymore? They were far better.

I really have a strong dislike for Taylor Swift. I think she's annoying. Her singing just isn't that good (it doesn't help that her songs are such generic lyrically) and she looks like she evolved from a rat. (For you gamers, think FF 9's Freya with a blonde wig on and holding a guitar...

She's got a perfume out now and to me, she's going too far. Who the hell wants a Barbie doll of her? I guess it's those same people that want to smell like her, too.... ughhhh.

7 billion

The news just said that the 7 billionth person in the world would be born on Monday (estimated date).

<<Someone should dispense condoms. Spay and neuter your children! >>

We're running out of supplies, water, food, fuel and much more. I don't really see how the world is going to keep functioning as we keep adding more and more people to it.

There was something else the news said but I may have it wrong. In the early 1900s, the population was like 9 million or something like that. QUIT FUCKING EACHOTHER, PEOPLE!!!! ADOPT if you really want kids that bad....


Black Lips equals Love

Here are my top two favorite songs of the moment.

One is Lost in Paradise from Evanescence's newest album and the other is Modern Art by the Black Lips, my new favorite band who pleasure my ears with their wacky 'flower punk' sound. :3

LOVE them. COMMENT this and TELL me what you thought. Or I'll have to find you and force headphones onto your ears. They'll be coated with superglue, mind you.

sleep tight (poem)

i encase you, beloved.
glass casket bolted shut with the steel fingers
of depression era

by Mike P.

Games and Fall Weather...

If you know me, then you must know how my love for all things Shadow Hearts runs deep. You should also know that I own all three of the SH games and and a brand new copy of the first and third ones. I have been looking for quite some time for a cheap and brand new (factory sealed) copy of the second game, apparently everyone's favorite of the three and I finally found last week on eBay. Guess what.

Someone outbid me and the thing went for 37$ which is divine for them considering a Buy-It-Now copy of Covenant (the second game) factory sealed runs around 80$+. Oddly enough, I have found another brand new copy on eBay. It started with a 40$ bid and it ends within an hour. I am the only bidder on the copy.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, loves. :3 ^_^

Now, on the subject of Tennessee's Octoberlicious weather. It is rather cool here, somewhere in the 40 degree range my dear Granny told me during a phone conversation earlier in the morning and it is soaking wet outside from some previous rain that fell around 3 in the morning. I should know when the crap started as I was finally getting into bed about that time...

Now, I love fall weather. I love it more than any other season but when I think of fall weather, I think of crisp breezes, rustling leaves and pure sunshine on my face. Marvelous time. Not this dreary, winter-ish crap. :(


Project Runway season 9's Winner

Well, if you are like me and watch Project Runway like it's a religion, then you must have formed your own opinions on the season finale that aired yesterday, October 27th, 2011.

There were four contestants that got to show their fashion collections at New York fashion week and the contestants couldn't have been any different.

We had Anya, a woman from Tobago or some place like that who did a Caribbean-themed collection.

Next is Joshua, the overly feminine and sassy bastard who's collection looked like stained glass, gowns seemingly made of motor oil and a pair of lime green shorts that made the model wearing them appear as if her vagina had grown a mouth and was trying to eat her legs.

The urban-themed collection of Kimberly Goldson was the best in my opinion. Kimberly should have won but was the first elliminated out of the four final contestants. She had gowns and dresses that the judges practically gushed over but noooooooo. It was good bye for Kim!

Lastly, there was Viktor Luna, who would have won had he not replaced four of his looks with a sheer fabric that would make Lady Gaga blush!

And do you know which of the four I listed won this latest season?

Anya and her Caribbean collection. Get this: prior to the show, Anya had only sewn for like four months. And her collection? The judges said she obviously did less work since she made flowing dresses with v-necks. How did she win you might ask?! I have no clue but I am fine with it. I wanted Anthony Ryan Auld to win this season but he was elliminated a few episodes ago and Kimberly took my favorite spot. She made it to the final four and as I wrote above, was booted out. :(
Here's hoping that we actually see Anya using her PR cred to its full potential!

It's Late... But Welcome.

Hello there. If you have found your way to this blog of mine, then you are in for a surprise. There's nothing special here.

You will find rants on current events, praise for all things Shadow Hearts, links to amazing music and tidbits on my daily life that you most likely find uninteresting and of no relation to anything that is going on in your life at the moment but this is my blog after all.

I may even post an occasional story bit or poetic work. Maybe pictures will find their way here eventually, too.

No matter what led you here or what you think of the content before you, remember that this is just life from my perspective.