Tuesday, March 27, 2012


If you keep up with the news, I'm sure you've heard of the 23 year old Muslim man that killed four Jewish people, including 3 children, and some soldiers in France. Oh yeah, he video taped the murders, too.

8 year old Miriam Monsonego: He chased her through a shool and grabbed her by the hair. He tried to shoot her in the temple but his gun jammed, so he switched to a .45 and shot her point blank in the temple.


Look up the rest of the victims and tell me why religion kills children. Why do people do things like this in the name of their religion? (This guy's reasons were: honor of Islam, revenge on France for taking part in the Afghanistan war and revenge for dead Pakistani children.)

Monday, March 12, 2012


I feel weird inside.

Things in my life need to change. I need a change of scenery and I need it quickly. It's pretty bad that I have this thing where I don't stay put long. It's unfortunate. I move to one place and then, without hesitation, I leave it.

Until now.

I'm in a SMALL town and this August(ish) will be my four year mark. Something is off with this. Something is keeping me here and I don't want to be here. Does that make sense? I am thinking of many different ways that I could just leave but all of them require money and that's just something that I don't have a lot of at this time. Ya know, Florida is really calling me for some reason.

Maybe I'll be seeing some ocean soon. Who knows?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

One Year

Yesterday, 3-1-12 was my one year anniversary working for the company that I work for. It's been a year full of many different emotions and lots of experiences. I've made good connections with a few of my co-workers and I can actually say that I've been with a company for a year now... lol...


Here's to mroe time there. :)