Wednesday, January 11, 2012

my cait sith just cast this bullshit all over my blog.

I have the next two days off from work and I find that to be so good. This week hasn't really been full of work hours but at the same time, I can't wait until tomorrow and what's more, we get paid on Friday!

I think that I will work on my script tomorrow and maybe even on Friday. I've been doing so much on it lately and it is really coming along. I've stopped adding new characters and finally decided on a set of 10, though some of them don't make it to the end.

AHHHHHH! I played a demo of Final Fantasy XIII-2 today and it was pretty good. As everyone who knows me knows, I'm not the biggest fan of that series but I have played plenty of them... lol. There were lots of things in the demo to XIII-2 that I loved, such as the ability to have monsters as party members. (I had an adorable Cait Sith (a cat in a pod-like floating thing) on the demo. It was a healer and it was CUTE!!! When it did stuff in battle, it made cute meowing noises... It was cute. :3

I had something else to say but I totally forgot what it was...

Oh, as a sidenote, I want to go and see that new Sandra Bullock movie where Tom Hanks is her husband and he dies in 911 or something like that. It looks like it would rip my eyes out and replace them with Niagra Falls but I won't know that for sure until I see the movie.......

OH! I remember what I wanted to write about! I plan on going to school online later on this year since I will turn 25 and my parents' incomes won't be counted towards grants  and stuff but my problem is: I don't know what I want to go for. I've thought about writing, teaching, journalism, game design, fashion design and others but I just don't know. It's a hard decision to make.... :(

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year and Shitty Laws

Happy New Year readers of mine that don't exist.

Guess what?

The state I live in wants to pass a law that makes it legal for kids with a religious or political viewpoint that clashes with homosexuality to voice whatever they want to on the matter as long as it isn't violent.

This is ridiculous. If they pass this bill, someone is going to get into trouble or much, much worse. This news comes only a few months after a young man a few counties over killed himself after being bullied in school over his sexuality. It's a real messed up thing.

I admittedly read a lot of the comments that people leave on Yahoo posts and I have seen a lot of people say that they don't care about sexuality but they hate when it is brought up or thrown into people's faces. I, for one, have noticed that it isn't gays bringing up the issue again and again, it's politicians.

Another point I have on this whole situation is the fact that sexuality should not be a political ploy. So many people that I know, family included, try to sway my opinions with statements based on sexuality and the way politicians are doing things (or not doing things) involved in the matter.

I just wish that it was a subject that couldn't be bothered by political turmoil and religious mettling. I also think that religion should stay out of politics but it totally doesn't where I live. Last time there was some kind of election for governor or whatever, churches were pushing candidates' names onto their congregations. Just today, some woman on tv was asked about one of the Republican candidates' religious affiliations, him being Mormon and her being Baptist, and she said she would NOT vote for him because he was a Mormon and she didn't agree with that..... So dumb.

No offense to religion or anything but I read somewhere about a world without religion and all of the things that would be different if there wasn't a such thing... Just some food for thought. (I have nothing against religions or practicioners of a religion, unless they bother me first...)